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There was a stupid frog
twitching on a over turned log
collecting bugs as they fly by
to finish off his apple pie
afterwards he was so fat
he looked so good to a jungle cat
now hes been ate and died so quick
the frog tasted so fowl the cat was sick
the life of the frog has ended
and the cat ran off offended

The Stupid Frog by Matthew McElhinney

The oceans current is so smooth and swift
Drags along fish and sets them a drift
Swooshing along the sandy sea bed
Crushing and killing leaving animals dead
Such a strong and a powerful force
Dragging ships off there course
The sea is such a beautiful place
Just be careful or you will be lost without a trace.

The Oceans Current by Matthew McElhinney

I love driving my bright red mustang
with the girlfriend and the gang
feeling the wind blow through my hair
without a worry or a care
soaring down the country lane
in comfy seats and no back pain
not thinking about that big mistake
was it real or was it fake
the fact that i have blood on my skin
i was not concentrating just for one min
and now i have to drive home
worrying about being alone
should i go back to see if he was ok
or just fix my bumper an hope it will go away.

Me and My Mustang by Matthew McElhinney

About this blog

Hello my name is Matthew McElhinney and I really enjoy reading and writing poems, so i am going to give you the opportunity to share your poems with the rest of the world over the internet. If you have any poems which you would like to post on my blog to share to the rest of the world send it to poemsforeverybody
@hotmail.co.uk , with your name, the poems name and the poem. Please only send in your own poems thank you.